Disability training, Abnormally Funny People style

A little while back the great people at Skill Boosters approached me to see if I'd like to make a training video with them. The topic was to be disability, employment and customer service. 

I said I'd be interested, but how about we do it a little differently? I suggested we make it with Abnormally Funny People, the comedy team I'm part of. To my delight, they agreed. I'm pleased to say after a lot of brilliant, creative, hard work, it is ready. 

Below is the promo video. If you want to know more, contact Peter Thorpe, at Skill Boosters 020 3859 4308  peter.thorpe@skillboosters.com 

There are dynamic subtitles included and the next sentence is a link to the transcript if you prefer.  Transcript of Skill Boosters disability training video made with Abnormally Funny People 

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